Engage your audience”: el mensaje de Nonick https://www.eoi.es/blogs/open/engage-your-audience-el-mensaje-de-nonick/
... Engage your audience”: el mensaje de Nonick About EOI en abierto “Engage your audience”: el mensaje de Nonick La semana pasada se celebró Nonick , el I Congreso Europeo de Community Managers . EOI cuenta con dos personas  responsables de gestionar la comunidad y ambos asistimos al congreso ...
La comunicación marketiniana según Steve Blank https://www.eoi.es/blogs/antoniofontanini/la-comunicacion-marketiniana-segun-steve-blank/
... communications is a subset of the Marketing department’s mission. Read the post about mission and intent here .) Audience(s), Message, Media, Messenger Once you figure out why you’re creating a communications strategy then you can figure out how to use it. The “how” requires just four steps: Understand your ...
Antonio Fontanini https://www.eoi.es/blogs/antoniofontanini/
... ” requires just four steps: Understand your a udience (s) Craft the message for that specific audience Select the media you want the message to be read/seen/heard on Select the messenger you want to carry your message Step 1: Who’s the Audience(s)? An audience means – who specifically you want your messages ...
“Be short and simple and add value to audience https://www.eoi.es/blogs/cafecon/be-short-and-simple-and-add-value-to-audience/
... impossible to do business without opening your mouth that means communications tools ”. Also, as an expert in communication skills Peter said “put ourselfs into the audience shoes. Be short and simple and add value to audience. 10% was born with a natural ability and other 10% without any ability; I believe ...
How-to Compose an Educational Article https://www.eoi.es/blogs/blog/how-to-compose-an-educational-article/
... to need setting an objective for your own article. Although descriptive essays are significantly more open to imagination, you might be amazed to recognize that it involves loads of organization to be able to attract its audience so it’s important you make an effort to try to do this to guarantee ...
Discovering TED.COM https://www.eoi.es/blogs/globalmba/discovering-ted-com/
... Peace”. In a lesson of Management Skills we were talking about how important a good introduction is. I think this one is a clear example of how to engage with the audience from the first second! Zainab’s speech is very direct as well as emotional. She talks about two kinds of war & what’s behind the ...
¿Tuitear o comunicar? https://www.eoi.es/blogs/open/%C2%BFtuitear-o-comunicar/
... que “tweet” esté pronto en el inglés estándar. Ya lo está “google” como verbo . Pero sea o no aceptado por la normativa, este uso de un término derivado de una red social concreta es sintomático de un fenómeno más amplio. Hace unas semanas, en el Congreso de Community Managers Nonick , tuve la oportunidad ...
What about Managerial Skills? https://www.eoi.es/blogs/lauraambros/2011/11/28/what-about-managerial-skills/
... not used to these topics. However you’ll notice the subject is really useful and Chris makes it easy for you. Basically, the subject is divided in three modules: presentations, negotiations and leadership. The first of all is how to give a presentation. As you understand, present your ideas to your ...
La Comunidad https://www.eoi.es/blogs/open/la-comunidad/
... , comparten muchas similitudes y se fortalecen con la cooperación, confianza y prescripción. Esos elementos favorecen el crecimiento de la Comunidad creando dos pilares básicos en el maremágnum de Internet: la Reputación y la Visibilidad. Como pude observar en el Nonick , congreso de Redes Sociales y Comunity ...
Para presentar como Lawrence Lessig, Nancy Duarte y Garr Reynolds https://www.eoi.es/blogs/wimba/2014/04/18/para-presentar-como-lawrence-lessig-nancy-duarte-y-garr-reynolds/
... que lo supere en claridad y poder persuasivo. Escucharlo hablar es un placer, por la claridad en su mensaje y lo fluido de su discurso.  Garr Reynolds ha hecho referencia varias veces a Lessig y su estilo en su famoso blog Presentation Zen , en donde afirma que sus presentaciones son “una fantástica combinación ...