''You are what you eat'' reloaded: You are how you shop (or not shop)

Gestión Empresarial
''You are what you eat'' reloaded: You are how you shop (or not shop)

Responsible consumer workshop, for those who want to be responsible, find out what it means responsible

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Don’t wait for others to solve the problems of the world! You can do the first step too: with your money and everyday consumptions you make decisions.
Are you aware what consequences these decisions have?
Are you interested in, how you can make good and responsible decisions?
Come, get and share some practical tips.
‘When, if not now’ be part of the Green Economy as a responsible consumer?

¡No esperes a que otros resuelvan los problemas del mundo! Nosotros podemos dar el primer paso: a través de nuestros hábitos de consumo cotidiano tenemos poder de decisión.
¿Eres consciente de las consecuencias de las decisiones que tomas?
¿Estás interesado en saber como tomar mejores decisiones a la hora de consumir?
Ven y comparte algunos ejemplos que podrás practicar más tarde.
Cuándo, si no es ahora para empezar a ser responsable y ser parte de Economía Verde?




  • What does it mean to be responsible?
  • Why be a responsible consumer?
  • How to be a responsible consumer?
  • Practical Ideas, how to make responsible choices in our everyday life of consuming
  • Sources to educate yourself

Workshop in groups (in English and Spanish):

  • Try some delicious and responsible snacks to get energy for brainstorming
  • Share your experience, get some tips from the group mates and work on new ideas
  • Together it is easier and more sustainable!

Discussion, Q&A, How to stay responsible in the future?



Ildikó Heim,
(EOI IMSD student) and a helpful, supporting team

Ildikó Heim is an IMSD (International Master of Sustainable Development) student at EOI. She is concerned about sustainability, environmental and social development. Beyond her Economics study and HR professional experience, she also worked for social and environmental NGO’s. She led “plastic bag free” educational campaigns and tries to live as “plastic free” as possible. She is an optimist: she believes in human beings to turn them to responsible people