
Dear readers,

My pleasure to find you reading this.
Here are a couple of words about who is Tatsiana Prokharchyk and what this blog is going to be about.

My path to EOI has been long and thorny. It took me all in all about 13 months of creating convincing applications and showing my enthusiasm when interviewed to obtain my scholarship, posing convincing reasons for my boss to let me go, arranging dozens of assuring papers to obtain study visa and making EOI application to finally start my IMSD studies in October 2014. So there is no need to explain how willing I was to take IMSD course.


My studies at TU Dresden opened new knowledge perspectives and brought my scope to the energy field. So when graduated from Belarusian National Technical University with my BSc in Energy Economics and Engineering I already knew that energy is the sector I would like to work in. Two years of work as an energy manager at the Ministry of Energy strengthened my confidence even more and gave possibility to narrow my objectives. Here am I at EOI opening new issues of interest for me, broadening my perspectives and forming the base for my further career step. I am much interested in energy for sustainability and development. And I can feel that this topic has just started to lift the curtain for me.
Well, I could start explaining my objectives and positions here. But I will let this introduction be short. Hope I managed to catch your interest. If so you are welcome to read my further posts and pose your questions and comments.

This is my first experience writing a blog and I am very enthusiastic about how it goes. So, wish me good luck and enjoy further reading.


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