Make an island self-sufficient, meeting its electricity needs using renewable energy exclusively – that is the goal! This is the hydro-wind power facility of El Hierro Island.

The simple but appealing objectives of the project?

It’s been more than 15 years and 79 mill € spent since in 1997 the first idea of a new and spectacular Sustainability Plan that aimed to make El Hierro a place self supplied with clean energy came out.

No wonder the enormous advantages of the project, and the hard work to manage every variable and area involved. The Government of the Canary Islands , Cabildo de El Hierro and Endesa were joint together in Gorona del Viento S.A. to manage the project: the technical feasibility study, a development phase which involved design, supply and installation, and finally the commissioning and performance testing. The hardest time involved the administrative and funding issues, and also the energy tariff system to be applied to the electricity produced by the plant.

However, when a project is well managed, it happens. And when an innovative project of this size happens and is a success, it is to become a world leader. El Hierro Hydro-Wind Power Plant is.

Ana Fernández




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