Negotiation in China.


China is not as we perceive it from the outside, many stereotypes define this country nowadays, but based on our experience and what we’ve learned they have their own way of doing things, and in a globalised world we have to adapt and not impose, in order to succeed in the Chinese world of business we have to play their game, understand their culture and their way of perceiving things.Chinese people value the weight of words, honor and actions that harvest trust.


Through the years, China’s reputation hasn’t been an example to many societies but now the country is trying to clean their name in front of the world’s eyes, which leads to the 13th five year plan, focused in green business and investing in projects that generates prestige as innovation and development, also instead of working for other countries brands, create their own. Once the five year plan is established and published anyone who wants to enter the Chinese market, needs to take into account the Catalogue which determines the business sectors that are encouraged, restricted prohibited and accepted by default.

When a corporation decides to expand in china after taking into account the previous statements they need to find a suitable joint venture partner who is already in the Chinese environment with success, this association is seen as a marriage in front of the eyes of the government, which is directly and indirectly involved in every negotiation process to protect their interest about the information handled and profit concerns.

The partner may or not be a Chinese corporation, but they are formed by Chinese employees, and to have a good relationship with them certain things must be taken into account, as manners on the table, which are the appropriate gifts for men or women, hand everything with to hands as a sign of respect, in addition to this, the person in charge of the negotiation if is from “the western world” is good for them to create a Chinese name, with a Chinese meaning, with allusion to their western name, or personality, to represent them in front of the Chinese people.

To sum up, Chinese enterprises and their people are very peculiar, forming bonds with the outside through confidence, friendship and respect, expanding and negotiating in China is surely an adventure worth the while.




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