Marketing in China

Based on my experience in China, I realised that to do marketing its important to have very clear what do we want to sell and to whom. I noticed that Chinese people like to wear luxury brands to appear and impose social status. As far as publicity concerns, in the streets everything is promoted in “the big way” full of lights and color. To select the target in the Chinese market there are certain factors to consider in the process. The first one is the geography, differentiating the urban from the rural zones, in China the populated areas are in the east, in the western, the civilizations are very focalized and fewer. Is also very important the generation of the target, the younger are going to have it harder, because the borned in the 70’s and 80’s are still forming part of the employee sector.

China is a country where the middle class barely exists; which means a huge gap between social clases; actually the government is taking consideration of this and its fomenting the middle class growth, this benefits the publicity campaigns because the scope will be bigger. We are in front of a nation where most of its habitants speak only Chinese and its dialects, which leads to an enormous languaIMG_8834ge barriors, reffering this to the fact that, designing publicity campaigns and slogans for Chinese people, its hard. Chinese like Word games and combinations with meaning, is not the same thing translating them to the exact phonetics than to give them significant meanings.

The Chinese government protects and help the local competitors in front of the foreign, for example WeChat vs. WhatsApp. Also there are statistics that prove that young people follow the same trends as young people in the western.

In conclusión the consumer behaviour in China lies around the consideration of quality-price relation of products, also their loyalty to Brands, and last but not least they seek for feedback.

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