Marketing: Communicating a new product in China is different.

Before talking about marketing, I must poont out that in China there is a totally different culture, meaning that the channels and ways of communicating a new product are different than the ones used in the Occidental world.

For instance, Wechat is an app that can be a good instrument to communicate a service or product you are offering. Especially taking into account the number of “Wechat” users is currently up in the millions. But there’s a myth, «China represents a 1.4 billion customer base”. Of  course there are a lot of people in China but that doesn’t imply you are going to sell your product to them. Anyone triying to sell there should define the segment they are targeting. For example:

Which are the provinces with the higher GDP per capita located at the east of China  (Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, or Jiangsu)?  Here we can expect that more people spend their income in higher proportions.

Another element that certainly has an influence on marketing is the government’s protectionist policy. The barriers that a foreign brand may experience is very high. Several Chinese brands that are in the top 10 of most valuable Chinese brands for 2014 have a certain level of protection by the government.

These are some of the things every foreign brand, who wants their products get known, so marketers at first should have to understand the target market very well to guarantee that the Chinese consumers have a correct and favorable perception of the product which is trying to sell in China. But, how much it takes to achieve this with an assertive marketing strategy? Does it mean that a foreign brand should alters some brand attributes to demonstrate alignment with local Chinese culture and local Chinese tastes? the answer for these questions depends in how much is the brand willing to change, strong global brands didn’t change their principal attributes but yes they support that a little adjusts are necessaries to compete in Chinese market. And how Leow of NeochaEdge said “Not everyone has to change their brand, but they have to show that they ‘get’ the local culture” or like another strong global brand said in the hands of Pestridge of Nike “It’s like any relationship; you have to show an authenticity. If we just brought Kobe Bryant here and did nothing with him that wouldn’t work”.

Paulo César Benavente P.

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