Barefoot College

Can you imagine a college where you eat on the floor, you sleep on the floor and you Masters or Ph.D. disqualifies you from entering? No? But there actually exists a place like this: the Barefoot College in India. Your best qualifications to enter are your dignity to work, your knowledge you want to share and the fact that you are poor. The College was built exclusively for the poor and it wants to lift them over the poverty line. It is a great example on how to spread knowledge of rural professionals and make rural communities self-sufficient. Grandmothers from all over the world are trained to become solar engineers, solar electrify their villages and train other women to do the same.

Watch the inspiring TED talk with Bunker Roy, who founded the Barefoot College in 1972

>>Look for the solution within and listen to the people – they have the solution.

Website of the Barefoot College:

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