Volver a Savia
Course · Becoming Change Agents: Values and Skills for the Future<br>

We want to give this course a unique EOI flavor by focusing on three of the School’s core thematic areas:

• Sustainability
• Entrepreneurial Spirit
• Innovation and Creativity

The idea is to offer opportunities for sharing different geographical and cultural viewpoints through interactive activities such as workshops, global debates, games, role plays and other practical exercises. Site visits will also be arranged to places of innovation and areas where we can re-connect with ourselves and our environment.

Leda Stott, Director of the International Masters in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (IMSD) at the EOI Business School in Madrid.

Gonzalo Delacámara, Senior Lecturer on Economic Theory at the UAH and coordinator and senior researcher of the Department of Economic and Institutional Analysis at IMDEA Water Foundation.

Daniel Truran, Director General of the European Baha’i Business Forum (www.ebbf.org) and Co-founder of The Hub Madrid (www.hubmadrid.com).

Guadalupe de la Mata, senior member of International Development Institutions such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the European Investment Bank.