Human Resources Management in China

Human resources

         Companies are nowadays more aware than ever of people different skills, values and cultural backgrounds, that is why they are  gradually increasing their effort to gather  and well-manage multicultural teams. In the end, companies’ identity is given by their own employees.

In this regards, both cultural and language barriers may exist when companies settled in different countries get involved in negotiations. So in order to successfully achieve agreements, is advisable to understand the other party’s culture and to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. By doing this, you will be able to anticipate to his/her interests and to know whether the negotiation is already finished, or in the other hand, is still going on, for instance.

China’s pecific case

          Some of the main cultural differences between western countries’ citizens and China’s citizens when negotiating, are that Chinese people tend to delay thee agreement further in time, shifting from one position to another, and knowing this, is important to be patient during the negotiation process, although it may turn out to be tough and annoying.

Another aspect to have in mind is that they do not feel the lie as something neither wrong nor unloyal, they actually aim to get the most out of the negotiation, even if they have to let you down at some point within the negotiation process.

The good leader

         When leading a team, communication effectiveness is a key point. A good leader must be tactful when he/she either talks or leads the team members, trying not to push them too much what would lead them to suffer from stress.

It is also important to have a handbook, so the employees can feel identified with its values when they join the team. Another action to be taken by leaders is to develop a reward/punishment system in order to challenge their employees to work harder and also to prevent them from behaving wrongly or badly.

And the last thing I would like to suggest, but not less important from the above, is that a good leader is not a person that only orders but also a person who listens to his/her employees.

HR Management in China



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