International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Management. A person with a good command of the English language. ...
International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... Solaun Sean Ansett Sean Ansett Dirigido a:  You can access the Master degree if you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility ...
International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... and share their experiences on the global scene. Dirigido a:  You can access the Master degree if you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of Sustainability and ...
International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... professionals should know. Dirigido a:  You can access the Master degree if you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Management ...
International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... a:  You can access the Master degree if you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Management. A person with a good command ...
Curso Superior en Dirección de Proyectos - Metodología PMI (Madrid) | EOI
... Métodos numéricos en la dirección de proyectos Plantillas de los documentos principales de la dirección de proyectos desde su inicio al cierre (Microsoft Project) MÓDULO 3. GESTIÓN DE PROGRAMAS Y DE PORTAFOLIO DE PROYECTOS Gestión de programas: definición, ciclo de vida, costes vs. beneficios, gestión ...
Programa Superior en Machine Learning e Inteligencia Artificial (Sevilla) | EOI
... los contenidos, para finalizar con un ejercicio o taller en grupo durante la segunda hora de la sesión. Las clases prácticas que empleen herramientas de SW se llevarán a cabo mediante la plataforma cloud Amazon Web Services. Al inicio de la sesión estableceremos el objetivo y una guía para entender ...
Programa Ejecutivo en Inteligencia Artificial (Madrid) | EOI
... con un ejercicio o taller en grupo durante la segunda hora de la sesión. Las clases prácticas que empleen herramientas de SW se llevarán a cabo mediante la plataforma cloud Amazon Web Services. Al inicio de la sesión estableceremos el objetivo y una guía para entender el funcionamiento de la herramienta ...
International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) | EOI
... , environmental management, CSR and Social Entrepreneurship among others. Dirigido a:  You can access the Master degree if you are... A university graduate or a young professional (applicants are welcome from any subject discipline), interested in developing your professional career within the area of ...
Curso Superior en Dirección de Proyectos - Metodología PMI (Sevilla) | EOI
... de proyectos: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), árboles de decisión y simulación Monte Carlo. Plantillas de los documentos principales de la dirección de proyectos desde su inicio al cierre. Microsoft Project: configuración, planificación, monitorización, informes, macros y  utilidades.   MÓDULO 3. GESTIÓN ...