What if a well-implemented CSR is the perfect strategy for your company?


I was talking about CSR and its importance in the actual businesses with a friend in the train on my way to Cádiz when a man interrupted me saying that what I was talking about it was not completely correct. He was a telecommunication’s engineer that had been in charge of a company for 15 years, until his retire. The perfect businessman.

His main argument was that generally, people need such a long time to be able to start a new business and their main objective is to be profitable as soon as possible. Invest in being eco-friendly or in being empathic with the community beside your company is something that comes (if comes) with the maturity of the enterprise. Invest in CSR is something that you will be able to do when you will be earning enough money.

The paragraph above relates what most of the people think in our days. And it is a fact that when you decide to invest in a new business you will want your money back soon. But, is not enough for a company to be efficient in the relations between suppliers and clients in order to maximize the profit. So, what if a well-implemented CSR is more than related with being successful within your company?

A lot of companies look to the CSR as a way of have a good reputation and as philanthropy, but CSR its more than that. As Jamsetji Tata said “ In a free enterprise the community is not just another stakeholder to business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence”. It is about earning money while serving the wider interest. A company depends on the environment where it is performing. So, it is necessary to take it into account in order to ensure the future of the company. But is not all about the actions that a company is doing in order to serve a wider interest. When companies implement strategic CSR they can find there are many benefits, including strengthened corporate and brand reputations and enhanced trust with key stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers or investors), improved risk management, increased revenues from innovation to identify new business opportunities, and reduced costs.

Marta Barahona

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