The Power of Water

The history of human being utilizing water to produce energy could be chased back to thousands of years earlier, in today’s definition however the hydropower is mostly referred to hydroelectricity power only. It harnesses the energy when water flowing from high to low level then produces electricity for household, industry usage.

Hydropower is one of the “clean energy” that many counties are trying to promote due to its predictable constant output, low production cost, and incredible low emission of GHG gases since no fossil fuel is required or burned during production process. Despite of all those advantages, we are also seeing a list of negative impacts hydropower plant brought to the ecosystems and human society: loss of biodiversity and disturbance of livelihood due to dam and reservoir construction; the alter of water route and possible manmade disaster due to constant high low water flow and a depletion of natural vegetation, last but not least the high amount of construction cost and long duration of construction stage.

Hydro likes many other renewable energies are considered as clean ones with pros outweigh cons and may contribute to sustainable development. A proper evaluation and assessment before implementing any energy expansion plan should definitely benefit further.

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